About our administrative assistant/youth director
Missy Kraft
Missy Kraft loves Jesus and has loved serving Grace Fellowship since 2012 when her family moved to Eagle, Colorado. She has faithfully served Grace Fellowship in numerous volunteer roles and was hired in July 2022 as a full-time administrative assistant and youth director, where she continues her employment today.
Missy's favorite ways to show God's love are through being a mom to her
4 children and son-in-law, singing praises on the worship team, and teaching children about how much Jesus loves them. She also loves cheering on her boys at their many sporting events, visiting her daughters in Arizona, decorating, and serving alongside her husband, Pastor Austin.
Missy's favorite ways to show God's love are through being a mom to her
4 children and son-in-law, singing praises on the worship team, and teaching children about how much Jesus loves them. She also loves cheering on her boys at their many sporting events, visiting her daughters in Arizona, decorating, and serving alongside her husband, Pastor Austin.
Missy received her Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and taught in the elementary classroom for 12 years. In addition, she has extensive experience working with children and families as director and coordinator of programs like after-school care, summer school camps, MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), Vacation Bible School, and AWANA. She was also blessed to be a stay-at-home mom for 10 years and assisted Pastor Austin with their real estate business prior to moving to Eagle.
Missy is grateful for the opportunity to share the Gospel with others as she serves and connects with the people of Grace Fellowship and our valley.
Missy is grateful for the opportunity to share the Gospel with others as she serves and connects with the people of Grace Fellowship and our valley.